Thursday 13 February 2014

The Truth about Free Xbox Live Gold Codes

Congratulation, you have a brand new Xbox One! It’s like a dream comes true for every gamer! But do you know that your Xbox console is lots more than just impressive gaming machine but it is also an amazing entertainment machine. Xbox One is the latest generation of game console designed to bring gaming experience to a complete new level. It comes with advanced technology considered as new breakthrough. It also has advanced features enabled it to play movies and TV series you can rent online all in HD quality. All of those great features can be experienced with only this one console. What a great thing. You can get unlimited experience on your Xbox console with Xbox Live Gold Code
Xbox Live God Codes are like gift cards with certain credit you can use to get amazing experience with your Xbox console. Using the credit you can buy games, rent movies or TV series, game expansion packs, and lots more. The gold code is like a key access to more and more experience. You can buy this can of gold code gift car for your gold membership but do you know there is opportunity to get Free Xbox Live gold code? Well, it seems like too good to be true. It is true there are free trial codes for Xbox Live gold membership but it only valid for few time and moreover it doesn’t unlock all features. Why would people give money worth gold code away for free? That sounds insane but as a matter a fact that’s true! 
Think about what you can get with Free Xbox Live Gold Codes. You can get all features offered by Xbox Live experience from online gaming to HD movies and you get all those premium features for free! Who doesn’t want this kind of thing? Try to type free Xbox live gold code on search engine and you will easily notice that it is a very popular search. There are many websites offering this code for free for lucky person. Those websites are claiming to be able to give you genuine code without charge any nickel from your pocket. Surprisingly those kinds of websites are very popular. 
Proof of Live Codes
How can you get that premium code for free exactly? You can check those websites offering Free Xbox Live Gold codes and most of them are requiring you to submit your email address to get the code delivered. Some of those sites are having a thing called code generator used to generate code for Xbox Live Gold membership access and credit. How they create the generator and how it works, well it is a huge mystery. There are few decent websites with dedicated team collecting free codes from various sources all over the internet to be presented on its database. However, most of those websites are no more than just fraud. In contrary with what they claimed, their bombastic offer is just dull giving you nothing not even a single code that really works. 
You need to be aware and more careful when you are looking for free Xbox Live gold code on the net. Those sites can be collecting your data for bad purposes and there’s risk to fall into identity theft’s trap. If you really want to get full access of gold membership on Xbox Live, the only certain thing is to subscribe to Xbox Live gold membership and yes, it means you must pay for it. How about the free gold code? Is there any real of it? May be there’s a real free code that works but let’s just think it as a treasure that not everyone meant to find it.

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